Busy Busy Busy!

So I have had quite the productive day today, but its getting to be my bedtime and I have a bit of a mess to tidy up because I was too busy today to get to it. My desk is absolutely buried in piles of paper, hats, scarves, makeup, headphones, gloves, folders, and who knows what else! So before I get to that and then to bed I figured I would drop a few lines on my blog…
I had Language Acquisition this morning and it was really quite interesting because we had a guest lecturer. Then I ate some lunch and headed to the library to look up books and make photocopies of things I need for class and I spent a few hours reading away. I actually got a pretty good amount read 😀 Woot!
After that I ran errands and went home to a lovely dinner cooked by Dave, and then back to school for a yoga class. I was so stoked because I finally was able to touch my nose to my knee in a certain pose that I have been working on for awhile. EXCITING FOR ME! Now I am home, and I have done some organizing and caught up on emails…. so there’s nothing left except the cleaning. I guess I will go and do that now… Blah!

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