Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.

Well I have made it to Ireland after an extraordinarily long day of traveling! It is beautiful here as always, and the weather has been pretty nice so far; it isn’t bitter cold outside just yet and it has only rained a few times for an hour or so in the afternoon otherwise it has actually been kinda sunny!

Our flights weren’t too bad. The first hop over to atlanta wasn’t very long, although Dave and I didn’t get to sit together. The layover in Atlanta was nice, we had lots of time to get a snack and walk around and stretch out some before the really long plane over the pond. For that one we did get a flight attendant to sit us together after only a small amount of hassle and they even gave me a gluten free meal! Once we got here immigration took ages because the line was so long and once we were through that we had to race to the bus to Galway. It is about a two ish hour bus ride so we got back around one which wasn’t too bad.

I have been having fun the last few days getting over my jet lag and hanging out with Dave’s family. We have been to see Lorraine a few times already and the neighbors have been dropping in the whole time which is always fun! Esther (Dave’s Mom) and I had a fun night together last night when Dave and his dad were golfing. We baked some gluten free bread and a gluten free quiche with mushrooms cheese and ham in it. Both turned out very well and the quiche was actually absolutely delicious!!

The other thing that has kept us busy is looking up and calling about apartments. We are going up to Dublin tomorrow to look for the first time! We have six lined up to go see tomorrow and we are leaving early in the morning to get up there in time for the first one! It is exciting looking for a place of our own! We also have left a few messages at places to see if we can squeeze any more in on Friday but we haven’t heard back from them.

Anyway it has been a really busy few days since we got here!!!! I can’t believe it has already been three days!

I think that is all my news for now, hopefully soon I will have photos of a new apartment to post! I can’t wait! We are hoping to have somewhere to move into next week. We shall see! I hope this finds everyone at home happy and well. I love you all!



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